2021 - The Stone Is Indeed or The Stonebreakers Puppet
Part of “Sleepy Servant”, Alta Art Space, Malmö. 32 page A4 booklet, edition of 200, published by Hello Dust.
THE STONE IS INDEED or The Stonebreakers Puppet, is an investigation of the limits of language. It is an incongruous mesh of prose, poetry, philosophy, play and a song. Playing with narration and chronology, Kalliokulju approaches writing as a performance, as an active process of world making. Gertrude Stein writes: what is a rose what is it? What is meaning, a deed or a word? What is meaning as practice? What is making sense? Words don’t know about sense. They can be at the same time abstract and concrete, slippery, fishing for whatever is not a word. When this non-word, between-the-lines takes the bait, something has been written. Indeed, it’s something… but what is it?